Yellow stained pillows are disgusting to look at. But don’t throw away your yellowed pillows with stains you can white wash them easily, just follow the instructions in this article to get them back to their pure white, real state.
Pillows that become yellow over time is a pretty usual thing! One of the most common reasons why pillows can turn yellow is sweat. Even when you’re sleeping your body continues to sweat to keep your body at a comfortable temperature. Depending on the type of fabric your pillowcase is made from, sweat can seep through the fabric. As the sweat dries, it can leave a yellow stain on the pillow. Even if you use pillow COVERS underneath your pillow CASES, the yellowing can still occur.
Not only this whole pillow-washing process is much easier, it works like a CHARM. Just look at these “BEFORE” and “AFTER” pictures to see yourself.
Here are the ingredients you’ll need to clean your yellowed pillows:
- Hot water
- 1 cup of laundry detergent
- 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent
- 1 cup bleach (you could try “A Natural Bleach Alternative“
- if you are opposed to chlorine bleach)
- 1/2 cup borax