Dirty floor, cluttered bedroom, unorganized kitchen– Sounds too much? Well, you can do cleaning quickly and better if you apply these hacks!
Whether you’re in the mood or not, cleaning the house has to happen. Sooner or later that dirty floor or cluttered bedroom has to get straightened and organization. And while it’s not fun (at all), there are some awesome hacks to get the job done better and faster. Also, creating a more healthy alternative to toxic house cleaners is pretty great.
1. Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach
Found from One Crazy House
Now if you want a more clean and healthy version of bleach, then I suggest you try this more natural version of the much-needed product. With hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, and baking soda you can create a bleach that will help save you money.
2. Clean Your Showerhead with Vinegar
Found from Buzzfeed
With just a plastic bag, rubber band, and vinegar, you can clean that dirty shower head. It’s not something many people think about, but it has to be done.
3. Citrus Spray
Found from PopSuga
Want to make your countertops (and tables) shine? Then just save up some of your lemon and orange peels to make this citrus spray. It’s a great way to keep things looking fresh!