Ways to Organize All of Your Most Important Paperwork

Paperwork means clutter so it’s important to organize it, means all your tax documents, medical info, and even your kid’s treasured drawings– all at a proper place.

Organizing your important paperwork is not difficult if you follow the ideas given here!

Color Code Your Folders


Not only is this system pretty to look at, but it’ll also make hunting through papers way faster — all you have to do is look for the red folders when you want to find your tax info or medical docs.

See more at Clean Mama

Toss What You Doesn’t Need


The best way to make sure you don’t lose your W-2 in a pile of papers? Limit all of the excess papers in your filing cabinet, like bank statements from three years ago.

See more at Passion for Savings

Use Several Binders

Paperwork means clutter so it's important to organize it, means all your tax documents, medical info, and even your kid's treasured drawings-- all at a proper place.

Yes, one binder might be enough (we totally understand), but a few smaller binders make it easier to tote key binders around with you to appointments. Blogger A Bowl Full of Lemons stores hers upright and organized on her counter with the help of a dish organizer.

See more at A Bowl Full of Lemons

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