Home organization is an important step but if your home seems cluttered even after doing that there might be some organizing mistakes you’ve done! Read on to learn more.
Do you ever get the feeling, even when your house is totally clean, that it still feels cluttered? Well to help with this problem here are some of the most common mistakes that give your home that cluttered feel. Sometimes a little clutter is okay, and if it’s not bothering you then don’t feel like it’s something you have to do.
Shelves can be such a great addition to your home for storage and decorating purposes, but if you aren’t careful they can also be a big cause for clutter. Having too much on a shelf is distracting and you don’t even notice what cute things are on there. Some people have a better eye for this than others, so if you struggle with arranging your shelves call a relative or friend who is good at it and get a second opinion. This is also true with shelves that have cupboards, such as in your kitchen.
This is the same idea as the drawers. Don’t neglect your closet. Make sure everything has a place, organize your clothes if anything doesn’t fit (either you or in the closet) then donate it. It will start your day off right when you open up your closet and see cleanliness and organization.