3 Ingredient Homemade Toilet Cleaning Bombs

This toilet cleaning hack can be done with only 3 household ingredients and will leave your toilets fresh and clean.

This toilet cleaning hack can be made with only 3 household ingredients and will leave your toilets fresh and clean.

Whether your toilet is a little stinky or stale, a homemade toilet bomb is a really quick way to freshen it up. Dropping one toilet bomb into your commode will not only deodorize, but also clean at the same time. This is a simple project, and a good one to get kids involved with.

If you hate to clean your toilet, here is an easy way to clean your toilet with only 3 ingredients and basically no effort. These homemade toilet cleaning bombs can be made with 3 household ingredients and will leave your toilet sparkling clean.

These homemade toilet cleaning bombs make toilet cleaning easy and hands-free!

What you will need to make Homemade Toilet Bombs:

  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/4 Cup Citric Acid
  • 1 Tablespoon Dish Liquid (any brand will do)
  • Silicone Ice Cube Tray
  • Airtight Jar or Container

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